Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yoga standing behind your chair

Take a break and re-energize with this standing set at school or the office.

Standing Set

Standing Yoga at your Desk- shoulders

Take a break, relax and release the tension in your shoulders

Standing Set- shoulders and energy


For Grade 1 and 2
This is a fun video for kids at home or in classes.


get outside, be active, breathe deeply

get outside
be active
breathe deeply

“What can I do about this???”

A surprising number of women have asked me this question recently. When they ask about “this”, they are alluding to the bits and bumps they have discovered, the ones that magically appear over the years.

At first, I was trying to think of postures that would raise the heart rate and target the muscles – like standing postures and sun salutations. But later that day another woman shared her recipe for success: “since I’ve started getting outside and being active – daily, whatever that day may allow for: walking or running – as well as doing a little yoga, I’ve felt happier and healthier. I don’t find myself worrying as much about this spot or that bump. Not that my body is exactly the way I always wanted; instead, I’m just happier so they don’t bother me as much.”

When you are active and tuning into your body, you will treat it better. You will feel inclined to eat healthier and drink more water. With consistency you will start to see the body as a reflection of your lifestyle, and like the last woman, you will let your body be.

get outside
be active
breathe deeply

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yoga at Your Seat

Try this next time you've been working at your desk for TOO long.
Part 1
Part 2

Super Hero's Energy Break

Great set for grade 1 to 3 students at school or home.
Spread your wings and fly.

Super Hero Energy Break

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Great sites and books on Yoga with Kids


Asencia, Teressa. Yoga in Your School, Exercises for Classroom, Gym and Playground.
Gillen, Lynea and Jim. Yoga Calm for Children: Educating Heart, Mind, and Body
Solis, Sydney. Teaching Yoga to Children Through Story